Cooperation colleges

香港高等商學院(Hong Kong Higher School of Business)自成立以來就以“培養影響亞洲時尚產業的企業家”為己任,分別與英國皇家藝術學院、英國劍橋大學丘吉爾學院、義大利米蘭理工大學設計學院,倫敦藝術大學中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院、倫敦時裝學院、瑞士歐洲大學商學院、韓國延世大學等多所知名高校進行課程合作,開設香港高等商學院中國課程、英國課程和義大利課程。 同時我們身處國際一線品牌雲集之地,使學員有機會與國際品牌近距離接觸。我們國際化的專業課程,嚴謹的香港教育模式一直為時尚界所推崇,通過“尋美求真”的辦學理念,從而得到國內外高校的認可與支持。在我們成立18周年之際,英國五大名校紛紛發來賀函賀電,祝賀香港高等商學院越來越國際化,培養更多時尚界的商業管理者!

As one of the three Fashion Buying education institutes in the world, Hong Kong Higher School of Business (NBS) always takes “cultivating business leaders to influence Asian fashion industry” as its duty since the foundation. NBS has cooperated and developed Chinese & overseas courses with many global famous universities, such as Royal College of Art, Churchill College, Cambridge, Politecnico di Milano POLI.Design, Central Saint Martins, London College of Fashion, EU Business School and Yonsei University, etc. Meanwhile, Hong Kong Higher School of Business is located where the first well-known international brands and top luxury brands gathered, which provide NBS students with the opportunities to keep intimate touch with international top brands and luxury brands. Hong Kong Higher School of Business is highly praised by fashion industry all the time for its international & professional courses and strict Hong Kong educational model. Hong Kong Higher School of Business has been recognized and supported by domestic and abroad authorized institutes and global famous universities for the educational theory of “Seeking Beauty and Truth”. On the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the school, five top universities of the UK sent congratulation letters and calls, wishing Hong Kong Higher School of Business to be more and more international and cultivate more business leaders in fashion industry!

英國劍橋大學邱吉爾學院 (Churchill College, Cambridge)

英國劍橋大學邱吉爾學院 ( 英文名:Churchill College, Cambridge) 是劍橋大學 31 所學院之一,五十多年間共產生 29 位諾貝爾獎獲得者。7745 位精英校友遍佈世界各地。劍橋大學邱吉爾學院--Møller Centre專注于高管培訓,位於劍橋大學中心,是一所全球知名的領導力發展中心,專注為全球高管精英量身打造品質一流的深造課程。2012年因其高管培訓方面的傑出成績獲得英國伊莉莎白二世女王親自授予的“女王企業家獎”。

Churchill College, Cambridge is one of the 31 colleges of University of Cambridge, where 29 Noble Prize winners were trained in over fifty years. 7745 elite alumni of the college are all over the world. Moller Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, located in the center of Cambridge, is focused in training executives and developing first-rate courses for global executive elites as a worldly famous center of leadership development. 2012, the college was awarded the “Queen’s Awards for Enterprise” by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ for its outstanding achievement in executive training.

英國皇家藝術學院 (Royal College of Art)

皇家藝術學院(Royal College of Art, 簡稱RCA)成立於1837年,坐落於英國倫敦。全球唯一的全研究制藝術院校(無本科教育)。其課程講授者均為國際知名藝術家,從業者和理論家。作為世界級的藝術與設計學院,也是迄今歷史最悠久的藝術教育機構之一,學院被譽為全球藝術與設計大師的搖籃,學術聲譽冠冕全球。在QS ‘藝術類學術聲譽’ 評估指標中,是全球唯一多年蟬聯滿分的學校。

Royal College of Art (RCA) was founded in London in 1837. RCA is the only one all- postgraduate art college (without undergraduate education). All lecturers are international well-known artists, art workers and theorists. As a world-class college of Art and Design, as well as one art educational institute with longest history, Royal College of Art is known as a cradle of global masters of art and design. The college has been crowned for its reputation. In the QS evaluation index of ‘Academic Honor in Art’, Royal College of Art is only one defends full marks.

米蘭理工大學設計學院(Politecnico di Milano



Politecnico di Milano was founded in 1863,focusing on education and research in the fields of engineering technology, architecture and design, it is one of the most outstanding technical universities in Europe. It is a university with history of 158 years, also a top design college in Italy, cultivated thousands of fashion and luxury design talents. In 1998, Its Design Department of Politecnico di Milano was independent from the Architecture Department and established the design college, which is the first professional design college in Italy. Politecnico di Milano ranks 1st in Italy, 3rd in Europe, 5th in the world in the 2021 QS design ranking.