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Newton Business School-Chinese and Western Civilization and Fashion Forum & 18th Anniversary Celebration Held in Shanghai

2021-12-20 17:07:11

自從近代以來,隨著時代的發展,中西文明就像兩條原先互不相交的河流,逐漸相交匯流了。 時至今日,隨著先進的通訊科技和發達的網絡資訊,中西文化真正進入了一個相互聯系、相互影響和相互作用的時代。

Along with the development of the age, Chinese and Western civilizations have gradually converged like two rivers. Up to now, with the advanced communication technology and network, the Chinese and western cultures have truly entered an era of mutual connection, mutual influence and interaction.


It is the exchange and integration of Chinese and Western civilizations that makes the fashion industry more prosperous,also erase the boundaries of Chinese and western fashion. Thus Chinese and Western civilization and fashion become more integrated and globalized.  

中國上海-2021年12月4日,由牛頓商學院主辦,香港時尚聯合會、澳門時尚產業聯合會、東亞時尚研究院、教育部中華優秀傳統文化傳承基地共同協辦。 沙馳男裝“中西文明與時尚高峰論壇”暨牛頓商學院十八周年慶典在牛頓商學院上海中心舉行。

The 18th anniversary celebration of Newton Business School & Satchi "Chinese and Western Civilization and Fashion Summit Forum" was held in Newton Business School Shanghai Center on 4 December 2021. This forum was hosted by Newton Business School, co-organized by Hong Kong Fashion Federation, Macau Fashion Industry Federation, East Asia Fashion Research Institute, and Chinese Traditional Culture Heritage Base of the Ministry of Education. 


The representatives, scholars and industry experts from universities, academia, fashion industry, business, media and Newton Business School alumni association had gathered together in "Chinese and Western Civilization and Fashion Summit Forum". 

Scholars and experts in the Chinese and Western Civilization and Fashion Forum

論壇出席嘉賓包括:牛頓商學院院長、英國皇家藝術學會院士、義大利米蘭理工大學POLI. Design榮譽院士、香港時尚聯合會會長吳波博士; 北京大學經濟學院戰略合作辦公室主任、北京大學經濟學院西南分院執行副院長閆雨博士; 北京大學博雅教育科技研究院院長王向陽教授; 浙江理工大學二級教授、江南大學博導、教育部中華優秀傳統文化傳承基地主任崔榮榮教授; 英國劍橋大學邱吉爾學院穆勒學院海外項目主任李劍菲女士; 清華大學一帶一路研究院院長助理、北京師範大學中國自貿區研究中心兼職研究員喬文軍博士; 東華大學服裝與藝術設計學院陳彬教授; 歐陸之星鑽石 (上海)有限公司總裁王崢博士;上海沙馳服飾有限公司總經理陳珍林先生;浙江理工大學服裝學院高級講師陸希博士;江西師範大學服裝藝術研究中心主任徐仂教授;太原理工大學紡織服裝產教融合中心薑中華主任;江西工業職業技術學院輕紡服裝學院學科帶頭 人黃雪教授等以及牛頓商學院的歷屆校友和師生們。

Guests present the forum: Dr. Bo Wu, Dean of Newton Business School, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Honorary Fellow of POLI.Design, Politecnico di Milano, President of Hong Kong Fashion Federation;  Dr. Yu Yan, Director of Strategic Cooperation Office, School of Economics, Peking University and Executive Associate Dean of Southwest Branch of School of Economics, Peking University;  Prof. Xiangyang Wang , Dean of Boya Education Science and Technology Research Institute, Peking University;  Prof. Rongrong Cui, Level-2 Professor of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, doctoral supervisor of Jiangnan University, director of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture Inheritance Base of Ministry of Education;  Ms. Jeffy Li, Director of Overseas Programs at Moller Institute, Churchill College, Cambridge University;  Dr. Wenjun Qiao, Dean Assistant of One Belt-One Road Strategy Institute of Tsinghua University, Part time researcher of the China Free Trade Zone Research Center of Beijing Normal University;  Prof. Bin Chen, Professor at College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University;  Dr. Zheng Wang, President of Eurostar Diamond (Shanghai) Traders N.V.;  Mr. Zhenlin Chen, General Manager of Shanghai Satchi Clothing Co., LTD.;  Dr. Xi Lu, Senior lecturer at School of Fashion, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;  Prof. Le Xu, Director of Fashion Art Research Center of Jiangxi Normal University;  Director Zhonghua Jiang, Director at Textile and Garment Industry and Education Integration Center, Taiyuan University of Technology;  Prof. Xue Huang, academic leader of School of Textile and Garment, Jiangxi Industry Polytechnic College, and professors and alumni of Newton Business School.

Speech by Ms. Jeffy Li, Director of Overseas Programs at Moller Institute, Churchill College, Cambridge University.

Speech by Mr. Zhenlin Chen, General manager of Shanghai Satchi Clothing Co., Ltd

Speech by Dr. Bo Wu, Dean of Newton Business School, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts

一. 中西文明與時尚高峰論壇:主題演講

Chinese and Western Civilization and Fashion Summit Forum: Keynote Speech

變革,不僅僅意味著一個挑戰,也意味著一個千載難逢的機遇。 時代變革下,中西文明如何進一步融合、發展和應用,是當代企業家和商業領袖要思考的一個問題。 中西方文化的交流和融合,勢必會帶來各種變化、機會以及創新。

Change is not only a challenge, but also a great opportunity. Under the changes, how to integrate, develop and apply Chinese and Western civilizations is a question for contemporary entrepreneurs and business leaders. The exchange and integration of Chinese and Western cultures will inevitably bring changes, opportunities, and innovations.

Keynote Speech by Dr. Yu Yan, Executive Associate Dean of Southwest Branch of School of Economics, Peking University.


Dr. Yu Yan, Executive Associate Dean of Southwest Branch of School of Economics, Peking University, Director of the Strategic Cooperation Office of the School of Economics, Peking University, delivered a speech with the theme "Fashion Economy's Promotion to the Integration of Chinese and Western Civilizations from the perspective of the development of world civilization——Case of Silk Road" .

閆雨博士在演講中指出:當今,時尚產業的蓬勃興盛已經成為一個國家綜合實力和國際競爭力的重要組成部分。 而中國時尚產業欲尋求世界話語權,必須從在資訊文明中尋找靈感。 時尚產業是一個“設計決勝”的新型產業領域,它為創新活動和創意產業提供了有形的經濟價值,有助於有效配寘資源,提高創新能力,促進低碳經濟發展,提升產業競爭力和城市競爭力。

Dr. Yu Yan pointed out in his speech that contemporary fashion industry has become an important part to show country's overall strength and international competitiveness. In order to gain the right to speak around the world, Chinese fashion industry must get inspiration from the cultural resources. What’s more,Fashion industry is a new industrial field of " Win with Design ". It provides tangible economic value for innovative activities and creative industries, helps to effectively allocate resources, improve innovation capacity, promote low-carbon economic development, then enhance urban competitiveness and industrial competitiveness.

閆雨博士表示:必須要建構中國時尚文化理念,增强文化自信,為新時代時尚產業注入文化基因。 中國時尚產業不僅需要提高產品品質、技術含量,對於提升國家文化形象,提高國民文化素養,弘揚民族文化精神,扭轉國際主流時尚思潮被歐美長期壟斷的局面,具有十分重要的意義。 與傳統產業邊際收益遞減特徵相异的是,時尚產業呈現邊際收益遞增的特點。 生產和銷售時尚產品的企業可以獲得壟斷利潤、創新利潤或風險回報。

Dr. Yu Yan said: It is necessary to construct the concept of Chinese fashion culture, enhance nation confidence, and combine culture with the fashion industry. Chinese fashion industry not only needs to improve product quality and technical skills, it is of great significance to enhance the nation cultural image, improve nation cultural literacy, carry forward the nation culture and spirit, and reverse the long-term monopoly of the international mainstream fashion trends by Europe and the United States. Different from the diminishing marginal income of traditional industries, fashion industry shows the characteristics of increasing marginal income. Enterprises that produce and sell fashion products can obtain monopoly profits, innovation profits or risk returns.

Keynote Speech by Dr. Yu Yan, Executive Associate Dean of Southwest Branch of School of Economics, Peking University

二. 中西文明與時尚高峰論壇:圓桌對話

Chinese and Western Civilization and Fashion Forum: Round-Table Dialogue

21世紀,中西方數千年的文化共同構成了“文明”與“時尚”。 “文明”與“時尚”,二者你中有我,我中有你,相互影響。 中西方時尚的合二為一,帶來了前所未有的中西文化和時尚的協調與統一。

In the 21st century, Chinese and Western cultures constitute Civilization and Fashion. Civilization and Fashion influence each other. The integration of Chinese and Western fashion has brought unprecedented coordination and unity of Chinese & Western culture and fashion.


The forum theme is“Chinese and Western Civilization and Fashion”,and it divided into three topics,each 5 experts or professors discuss and share opinions for one topic. In this way, 15 experts or professors conducted a fashion dialogue.

Prof. Rongrong Cui, Level-2 Professor of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, doctoral supervisor of Jiangnan University, who is academic chair in Round-Table Dialogue


Dialogue Topic 1: How does Chinese fashion develop in the collision between culture and business?

對話嘉賓:江西師範大學服裝藝術研究中心主任徐仂教授; 太原理工大學紡織服裝產教融合中心薑中華主任; 上海沙馳服飾有限公司總經理陳珍林先生; 牛頓商學院運營管理學教授金軼博士; 牛頓商學院戰畧學教授趙壽坤教授。

Dialogue guests:

Prof. Le Xu, Director of Fashion Art Research Center of Jiangxi Normal University; Director Zhonghua Jiang,Director of Textile and Garment Industry and Education Integration Center, Taiyuan University of Technology; Mr. Zhenlin Chen, General manager of Shanghai Satchi Clothing Co., Ltd; Dr. Yi Jin, Professor of Operation Management in Newton Business School; Professor Shoukun Zhao, Professor of Strategy in Newton Business School.

五位教授、專家圍繞中國時尚如何在文化與商業碰撞中崛起展開對話。 專家們表示,全球時尚已經進入到文化和文明的競爭,不僅表現為市場存量之間的競爭,更表現為文化增量之間的競爭。 在中國,時裝周趨勢發佈與商業落地並行,新生代內容電商不斷顛覆傳統,帶有中國特色的設計師品牌一次次彰顯文化自信贏得業界好評……未來,中國時尚將以其獨有的基因讓文化的力量為商業注入活力,以商業的管道為文化發展提供動力支持。

5 experts or professors conducted a dialogue on “How does Chinese fashion develop in the collision between culture and business?” They indicated global fashion competition has become the competition of culture and civilization, which means now it is not only the competition of current market share, but also the competition of cultural increments. In China, the trend of fashion week goes hand in hand with business. The e-commerce continues to subvert the tradition in the content of new generation. Designer brands with Chinese characteristics show strong nation confidence and get praise in the fashion industry. In the future, Chinese fashion industry will inject culture vitality into the business industry with its unique style and cultural strength, and provide commercial support for cultural development.


Dialogue Topic 2: From Culture Confidence to Brand Confidence: Based on the "China-Chic" Culture, How to Build Chinese New Brand?

對話嘉賓:東華大學服裝與藝術設計學院陳彬教授; 江西工業職業技術學院輕紡服裝學院學科帶頭人黃雪教授; 歐陸之星鑽石(上海)有限公司總裁王崢博士;牛頓商學院設計學教授陳慶光教授;牛頓商學院市場行銷學教授劉向輝教授。

Dialogue guests:

Prof. Bin Chen at College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University; Prof. Xue Huang, academic leader of School of Textile and Garment, Jiangxi Industry Polytechnic College; Dr. Zheng Wang, President of Eurostar Diamond (Shanghai) Traders N.V.; Prof. Ching, Design Professor at Newton Business School; Prof. Xianghui Liu, Marketing Professor at Newton Business School.

五位教授、專家圍繞“從文化自信到品牌自信:基於國潮文化,如何打造屬於中國的新品牌”展開對話。 專家們表示,當下中國年輕一代對國貨的接受度、喜愛度可以說是過去幾十年來最高的,從文化自信到品牌自信。 現時,中國品牌無論是在本土消費市場,還是全球競爭格局當中,都發生著深刻變化。 專家教授們認為主流消費群體本土品牌意識的增强,品牌價值輸出能力的提升,以及雙迴圈經濟模式下,對於中國許多行業來說,都是一次取得本土品牌發展優勢的契機。

5 professors or experts held a dialogue on How to Build Chinese New Brand Based on the "China-Chic" Culture? Experts said that the current Chinese new generation's acceptance and preference of domestic products are in the peak in the recent years. At present, Chinese brands are undergoing profound changes in the local consumer market and the global competitive landscape. Experts and professors believe that as the enhancement of local brand awareness of mainstream consumer groups, the enhancement of brand value output capabilities, and the dual circular economy model, Chinese industries can get many opportunities for local brand development.


Dialogue Topic 3 :The Development and Future of Chinese and Western Fashion Industry under the Digital Economy Background.


五位教授、專家圍繞數字經濟背景下,中西時尚產業的發展與未來展開對話。 專家們認為,從文化視角看數位化發展行程,一方面體現出中西方不同的路徑模式選擇,另一方面也反映出數字經濟的多種可能性、開放性和普惠性為全球時尚產業帶來發展新機遇。 這有助於我們以兼收並蓄的態度汲取其他文化的養分,謀求共同發展。 以哲學思維促數位繁榮,不忘本來、吸收外來、面向未來,可形成獨具特色的數位化發展“中國方案”。

Dialogue guests: Ms Joey Xiao, consulting and training director of Greater China, LVMH Perfume & Cosmetics (Shanghai) Co., LTD.; Mr. Cameron Bai, General Manager of Cinque Terre (Shanghai) Trading Co., LTD.; Mr Xujiao Mao, President of Shanghai Lapuda Investment Management Co., LTD.; Prof. Yanghui Xie, Professor of Management Science at Newton Business School; and Prof. Yuting Wang, Professor of Economics at Newton Business School.

The 5 professors and experts delivered a dialogue about the future development of Chinese and Western fashion industries under the digital economy background. In their opinions, from the cultural prospect, digital developing process not only reflects different choices of Chinese and Western path and mode, but also means that multi possibilities, openness and inclusiveness of digital economy can bring new opportunities to global fashion industry. That means digital development is helpful for us to learn from other cultures with an inclusive manner, and seek common development. And we should promote digital prosperity with philosophical thinking, remember the original goal, learn to absorb foreign cultures, and face the future to develop and form the unique “Chinese plan” for digital development.



Dr. Bo Wu, Dean of Newton Business School and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), delivered a concluding speech for "Chinese and Western Civilization and Fashion Summit Forum". and he sincerely expresses thanks to all experts and professors presenting this forum.

非常精彩的主題演講,意義非凡的對話討論。 交流時尚,無問西東,讓我們一起為中西文明與時尚的交流、融合與貫通繼續奮鬥。

It is wonderful keynote speech and significant discussion, and a successful forum. In order to exchange culture and fashion, link eastern and western civilizations, let us continue to strive for the exchange, integration and penetration of Chinese and Western civilization and fashion.